



口腔溃疡是一种痛,它发生在口腔的膜。“违反在口腔前庭粘膜表面,”根据定义。溃疡是发现溃疡的表面或粘膜炎症坏死组织。尽管他们重要的发病率,许多疾病的发病机理是未知的。经常疼痛,伴有发红,肿胀,出血在受影响的地区。口腔溃疡常导致疼痛和不适,会影响一个人的饮食偏好,因为它治愈。根据他们现在和进展如何,他们可能列为急性或慢性。创伤,反复出现口疮的性口炎、遗传病的疾病、细菌和病毒感染、过敏反应、药品和不良反应都与急性口腔溃疡。慢性口腔溃疡是口腔扁平苔癣类疾病有关。口腔溃疡可以与各种合成药物治疗。 Herbal medicine, as we all know, is the most popular form of primary healthcare, owing to its cultural acceptability, compatibility with natural objects, and lack of side effects. Canker sores can be treated or prevented with the use of dietary supplements and lifestyle adjustments. Mouth ulcers can be effectively treated using a homeopathic approach. This problem can be entirely treated in a few months with the help of a well-chosen Homeopathic remedy. The therapy for mouth ulcers with homeopathy varies from person to person. Homeopathic remedies for mouth ulcers are very safe to use and show highly promising outcomes.

Raghvendr Kumar Yadav
