ISSN在线(2320 - 9801)打印(2320 - 9798)
文摘:为了获取有用的知识隐藏在大的数据集,数据挖掘是一个非常重要的技术。有一些关于数据挖掘的负面看法。这种看法可能包含不公平对待的人属于某些特定群体。分类规则挖掘技术覆盖的自动决策贷款批准/拒绝和保险费计算等。这些都是自动数据收集和数据挖掘技术。根据歧视属性如果训练数据集是偏见歧视的决定就会随之降低。因此在数据挖掘技术的反歧视歧视包括发现和预防。它可以直接或间接的。当决策基于敏感属性是间接的歧视。当决策是基于非敏感属性强烈敏感那些时间的歧视与偏见是间接的。提出系统试图解决歧视预防数据挖掘。 It proposes new improved techniques applicable for direct or indirect discrimination prevention individually or both at the same time. Discussions about how to clean training data sets and outsourced data sets in such a way that direct and/or indirect discriminatory decision rules are converted to legitimate classification rules are done. New metrics to evaluate the utility of the proposed approaches are proposes and comparison of these approaches is also done.
Malpani完婚,Dr.Sulochana Sonkamble