



水生植物从环境中积累金属。重金属积累的研究侧重于评估在某些水生macrophytesin为植物修复与水和沉积物。本研究的目的是测量浓度的Cd, Co、铜、铅和锌在四个不同种类的水生植物收集Tapi河河口区域的古吉拉特邦的苏拉特市附近。植物表面沉积物和水分析Cd,有限公司铜,铅和锌污染。植物种类选择:Eichornia cressipes(集市)。Solms-Loub(根和拍摄)红脚鹬glabra Willd。M。戈麦斯(根,茎,叶)水浮莲stratiotes l .(根和拍摄)和Ceretophyllum demersum l .(全植物)。样本分析重金属原子(原子吸收分光光度计)。更大的观察积累重金属的拍摄水浮莲stratiotes。最低的观察内容Ceretophyllum demersum。基于浓度观察在河里的植被,五种重金属在降序排列:Pb >铜>锌>有限公司> Cd。选择植物中重金属浓度的结果与标准进行比较,正常和关键植物的毒性范围。 The detected value of Cd falls within normal range, while that of Co, Cu, Pb and Zn were within the critical range. However, Co and Cu showed the highest accumulation with alarming toxicity levels, which areconsidered as one of the most hazardous pollutants in river. Species like Persicaria glabra and Pistia stratiotes are also proposed as bioremediants, which are the most useful plant species in phytoremediation studies due to their ability to accumulate heavy metals in high concentration and their availability throughout the year.

KuntalShah, Dr.M.N.Reddy
