

先进化学:2019几千杜绝浪费从2更易与固态合成工业规模和过程与100%的收益率在26 - Gerd考普反应类型


制备分子和离子固态反应(气-固、固相固相)进行快速、明确的完成,在降低活化能,100%的收益率,无穷无尽的,主要是具体的。它已被证明在分子水平上,当地融化不是必需的,各向异性影响深远的分子迁移发生在晶体沿晶体频道,乳沟的飞机、孔隙(包括非晶态固体)在化学反应(压力释放)。这种机械的知识是与施密特的方差局部化学假说尽管百折证明也有超过1000无穷无尽的100%的收益率反应溶剂(直接纯固体产品,没有需要检查)所有在26日的化学反应类型。然而,顶尖化学家仍渴望(本地)液体分子solidstate反应和建议加热共晶温度以上,或者他们还倒退的“发明”滞后(液体辅助磨削)以保持与他们的长期否定假说:他们获得收益差,反应不完全,需要催化剂和色谱检查,通过否认和固态失去的利润。不幸的是他们通常避免引用最优性能的固体的气化或晶体化学计量co-milling严格低于最低的共晶温度(包括深度冷却)当地没有融化。最惊人的例子的26为无穷无尽的合成反应类型,否则也不会新产品温度控制。这些将会强调,将讨论包装图的关系。以前的合成改进(100%,没有催化剂,没有水分,大多高选择性和特异性,更好地利用试剂(NaHCO3代替氢氧化钠,所有4 b - h的债券NaBH4而不是只有一个,等等)。固态反应列的无穷无尽的缩放和20和100 L钢,和连续工业生产的可能性将与实际例子,讨论的设备。这是环保,节约环境,成本和劳动力。 Solid state organic chemistry began versus 1900 with the photodimerization of solid anthracene 1 and coumarin 2 and cinnamic acids 3. Previous claims are difficult to locate. The application of X-ray analysis to organic molecular crystals has led to a huge increase in the crystal structures available to measure the distances between reaction centers, but available concentration has not led to an improvement in understanding / prediction of reactivity in the solid state. The term topochemistry of Kohlschütter 4 describes an alkaline hydrolysis of a crystal KAl (SO4) 2 in gel Al (OH) 3. It was copied in 1964 to signify that the molecular and atomic movements of the crystals were limited to distances <. 2.7 Å 5. The "topochemistry" of this largely redefined hypothesis with The Hype has developed. Unfortunately, this strangely redeemed statement is still considered in textbooks and articles, even if the inactivity is often the most disturbing <4.2 explained is not explained, because the local pressure of the problem is not taken up. Thus, the emerging gas - solid and solid - solid reactions were essentially hampered to develop, Nonetheless, many "renowned researchers" have made their careers out of the "topochemistry" hype of 1964. Therefore, a clear challenge to the hypothesis of the "topochemistry" estate. It is the application of atomic force microscopy (AFM) which is experimentally demonstrated in the photoreactions of a solid state that requires a molecular migration and a reaction site with a geometric change. Long-known exceptions to "topochemistry" were available in its infancy. Two scientific principles have been violated: the hypothesis and the statements must be substantiated and not substantiated. The only way to relieve massive local pressure is molecular migration. This has been published since 1992 and revised. Other images can be found in the cited original publications. In addition, near field optical microscopy (SNOM) scanning rough surfaces have been developed to independently secure these facts. If the crystalline packaging does not offer a means of migration, there

