



使用药用植物和民间医学是世界上广泛传播。在非洲大部分当地居民使用药用植物和传统治疗师去寻找医疗保健。没有做什么验证传统使用的植物和评估新的生物活性物质的巨大潜力的非洲的植物。作为我们正在进行的研究的一部分植物的安哥拉,我们报告的隔离新clerodanes新环烯醚萜苷和新8日15-epoxylabdanes特征通过IR, 1 hnmr、种、2 d-nmr HREIMS和x射线分析、杀菌剂和细胞毒性。药用植物、非法叫做草药,已经知道自史前时期和用于传统医学实践。功能等化学合成的植物防御昆虫、真菌、疾病和食草哺乳动物。许多植物化学物质与潜在或建立的生物活性已确定。然而,由于一个单一的植物含有多种多样的植物化学物质,使用全植物作为药物的影响尚不清楚。此外,植物化学的内容和药理作用,如果有的话,许多植物的药用潜力不进行严格的科学研究。草药广泛应用在非工业化社会,主要因为他们是现成的和更便宜的比现代药物。 In many countries, there is little regulation of traditional medicine, but the World Health Organization coordinates a network to promote safe and rational use. Both are common threats to Medicinal plants, such as climate change and the destruction Medicinal plants require intensive management. Different species each require their own growing conditions. The World Health Organization recommends use of plant pest and disease problems to minimize rotation. Besides traditional or almost peat cultivation, conservation farming practices include maintaining organic matter in soil and to conserve water, for example with no-till cropping systems. In many medicinal and aromatic plants, the plant characters vary depending on the type of plant Herbal remedies are often hard and fibrous, requiring some form of preparation to be easy to administer. According to the Institute of Traditional Medicine, common methods include the preparation of herbal medicines with decoction, powder and extraction of alcohol, giving each case a mixture of substances. The decoction is then used in boiling the plant material to produce a liquid which can be taken or applied locally. [78] The powder material in drying the plant material and then grinding it to a powder which can be compressed into tablets. Alcohol extraction soaking the plant material in cold wine or distilled alcohol to form a tincture. Medicinal plants are widely used around the world. In most developing countries, especially in rural areas, local traditional medicine, including herbal medicine, is the only source of health care for people, while in the developed world, alternative medicine, including the use of food supplements, is being marketed aggressively. The claims of traditional medicine. drug. As of 2015, most herbal products have not been tested for safety and efficacy, and the products that are marketed in developed and supplied economic economies in an uneven underdeveloped world, sometimes contain contaminants, are dangerous. Traditional Chinese medicine uses a wide variety of plants, among other materials and techniques. Herbal drugs can cause unwanted effects and even death, through side effects of their active substances, such as falsification or contamination, overdose or inappropriate prescription. Many of these effects are known, while others remain scientifically explored. There is no reason to assume that because a product comes from nature, it must be safe: the existence of powerful natural poisons like atropine and nicotine proves that this is not true. In addition, the high standards applied to conventional medicines do not always apply to herbal medicines, and the dose may vary from treatments to environments.

