ISSN在线(2319 - 8753)打印(2347 - 6710)
从人权的角度来看,股票意味着所有的孩子都有机会生存,发展和充分发挥他们的潜力,没有歧视和排斥。苏丹喀土穆是18个州之一。它的人口超过七百万。所以它是该国人口最多的城市。近年来,喀土穆州获得了许多迁移和流离失所的人从农村和一些大城市。寻找更好的教育是这个移民的原因之一。本研究工作进行分析的发展和基础教育服务的覆盖范围及其分布在喀土穆州2016使用弧GIS。26年来分析的核心。喀土穆城市作为样本三个城市的形成。GIS软件包用于创建地图与空间收集数据和链接描述。 Analysis of data and building of queries was also carried out with aid of the package. Results showed that boy and girls now have an equal chance to join basic education. Where, deaf and other slice of pupils have a limited chance. Also, basic education grow up during the period of 1996 to 2005 then, it went declining. Moreover, during the all periods of study, basic education services development did not met the population growth.
Nagi Zomrawi穆罕默德*,Eiman Eisa Ahmed Elhaj