ISSN: 2319 - 9873
由有机废物厌氧消化产生的气体被称为沼气。这种气体非常易燃。它也被称为沼气,通常被称为gobar气。沼气主要是甲烷和二氧化碳的混合物。此外,还可能存在少量的氢和微量的硫化氢和氨。根据进料的性质,可大致分为三种类型,即分批式,即在厌氧条件下需要消化的有机废物只充入一次容器,该容器可称为消化器,直到运行结束才再进料。半连续型,其中预定数量的饲料材料与水混合,以指定的时间间隔从一侧充入消化器,例如每天一次,消化后的材料相当于饲料的体积,从另一侧流出消化器。消化体积始终保持恒定,第三种类型是连续型,其中饲料材料连续地被充入消化器,同时排出消化材料。目前的研究涉及消化器的操作和维护的设计,以顺利运行和高效的产气。通过对不同负荷条件下生物沼气池的研究,设计了相应的工艺流程。 It also deals with the importance of biogas slurry as an organic fertilizer which is a byproduct of bio gasification and its utilization. Enrichment and application of biogas slurry as manure. In Indian scenario, Biogas can be a substitute for dung and firewood and it can meet the rural energy demand and also become a clean source of energy. It is a renewable energy source and can become a replacement for natural gas and Liquid petroleum gas. Different tests that can help in accessing biogas as a contender for new generation energy source are controlled cooking test, kitchen performance test, boiling test etc. 1.0 m3 of biogas is equal in energy content to 1.7 L of bioethanol, 0.97m3 of natural gas and 1.1 L of gasoline.
Jyothilakshmi R