e-ISSN: 2321 - 6190 p-ISSN: 2347 - 2294
Brachylaima Aegyptica n . sp。(吸虫纲:Brachylaimidae),胆管的金色带刺的鼠标,Acomys Russatus瓦格纳,1840(啮齿目:鼠科),埃及
从家庭Brachylaimidae胆管的吸虫纲物种得到Acomys russatus(啮齿目:鼠科)从圣凯瑟琳山,埃及西奈半岛南部。斯文的9个(77.78%)的检查老鼠感染。扫描电子显微镜是用来描述光学显微镜形态学和解剖学上的成人阶段。比较与其他brachylaimid物种是由已知感染啮齿类动物。具体特征如矛尖形的形状;肩膀上独特的头锥;吸盘都明显接近彼此;一个aspinous皮;成熟的排泄系统;子宫的后缘延伸到腹吸盘; vitelline follicles distribution. In addition, Acomys russatus bile ducts are an exceptional microhabitat. Transverse folds, cobblestones, three types of papillae and cytoplasmic ridges were detected by scanning electron microscope. No other known Brachylaima species exhibits all of these features. B. aegyptica n. sp. seems to be the second brachylaimid species of this genus found in Egyptian mammals since 1899 when Looss collected B. aequans from Gerbillus aegypticus.