



一个明确的免疫疗法的目的是支持身体的安全框架来消灭肿瘤细胞和给一个艰难的抗肿瘤耐药反应。利用单克隆抗体的过程两个特定的抑制性t细胞受体,PD1, CTLA-4恶性肿瘤免疫治疗领域的重大成就。这种技术的可行性最初定居在相当长一段时间与转移性黑色素瘤依赖于抗肿瘤的反应和扩大一般耐力步的患者使用ipilimumab治疗,人类CTLA-4单克隆免疫反应的关注。PD-1 / PDL-1障碍的重要的抗肿瘤运动在黑色素瘤、肾细胞癌、非小细胞肺癌导致扩大的行政支持反对PD1 / PDL1抗体在血液恶性肿瘤和其他不同的强烈的肿瘤。经过全面的考虑,充足率PD-1 / PD-L1路径约束作为单一疗法给了优势只是一部分患者而不应对这种治疗关键部分。考试的临床初步信息提出了三种patients-Extensive探索一直在行动前几乎没有年理解直接耐药反应的恶性增长的工具,然而障碍尽管一切疾病免疫治疗领域的存在。系统的内在和采购保护PD1 / PDL1路障已经令人难以置信的探索。以产生一种安全有效抗肿瘤反应,抗原的制定和发展需要有经验的t细胞;因为缺乏年龄和tumor-receptive CD8 t细胞的能力,患者不应对这种治疗。缺乏适当的neoantigens和阻碍neoantigens的准备和介绍不同的原因导致驱动tumor-responsive t细胞的不足。 Furthermore, fluctuation in malignant growth type, treatment history, tumor heterogeneity, and the immunosuppressive tumor microenvironment produced because of tumor-characteristic and tumor outward factors lead to a disappointment in light of safe checkpoint inhibitor treatment. The distinguishing proof of biomarkers including mutational, neoantigen load and the PDL1 articulation on tumor and safe cells may anticipate the responders who might profit by this treatment, at the same time, in the vast majority of the examinations these markers didn't show any relationship with the counter PD1 reaction. Thus, the idea of mix treatments that can adjust the immunogenicity of tumor cells or can square immunosuppressive TME or target other inhibitory receptors on T-cells comes set up to improve the restorative effectiveness of checkpoint inhibitors.

