



狂犬病是一种流行在斯里兰卡病毒性人畜共患疾病。狗是主要的储层和发射器,使犬类狂犬病监测疾病消除的关键。斯里兰卡是一个亚洲国家,人类死于狂犬病已经明显下降,但它仍然是一个重大的公共卫生问题。百分之九十五的人类病例是由于狗咬。人类的结算模式让狗的存在。狗的数量的大小依赖于栖息地,特别是资源的可用性等食物,水,避难所。尽管大多数狗都拥有,许多无主的狗是可以自由行走导致疫苗接种覆盖率在狗是异构的。其他方面无主的狗。,狗没有承认所有者包括社区狗和流浪狗。这种类型的无主的狗是更常见的在农村比城市地区。 The frequency of vaccination in ownerless dogs is below the required level. Human attitudes towards dogs, especially ideas of responsible ownership, dog-keeping practices, and other aspects of human behavior influence rabies transmission risk. Research is required to reduce existing gaps in understanding of the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of the general population regarding the need for both dog population control and for rabies vaccination. Additionally, an improved understanding of dog demography and the ecological context of dog populations is essential for increasing dog vaccination coverage, achieving more effective vaccination campaign planning, and better determining the needs of dog population management programs. In order to achieve control of and finally eliminate rabies in Sri Lanka, the epidemiology of canine rabies in the country should be studied in relation to dog ecology and social aspects of pet ownership. A well-executed rabies control program needs to be based on integrated information regarding dog populations including an understanding of relevant differences in environmental habitats, in human cultures and social strata, and in different epidemiological situations. This article examines the rabies situation in Sri Lanka with respect to trends in human and canine rabies and identifies challenges ahead for rabies elimination.

Pfeiffer DU, Ubeyratne JKH Srikitjakarn L Kohnle L, Sunil-Chandra NP, Chaisowwong W和Hemwan P

