



痂囊腔菌属fawcettii Bitancourt和詹金斯是因果代理柑橘痂。广泛分布,发生在世界上许多柑橘种植区降雨条件有助于感染。它会影响所有的柑橘品种,导致严重的世界——宽水果瑕疵和经济损失。分生孢子产生的不完美的舞台真菌,痂圆孢属fawcettii Jenkins和作为接种的主要来源。大肠南极光导致主机甜橙痂不同于大肠fawcettii跑通用电气,仅限于在南美洲南部地区。对甜橙大肠fawcettii很少引起病变,而大肠南极光攻击所有甜的橘子和一些橘子和他们的混合动力车。与大肠fawcettii诱发病变的柑橘,大肠南极光似乎只影响水果。此外,大肠南极光可以区别大肠fawcettii基于子囊孢子的大小(12 - 20 x 15 - 30μm大肠南极光)。此外,大肠南极光没有t产生主轴-形状的分生孢子常与大肠fawcettii结痂病变。痂囊腔菌属种虫害产生两种类型的分生孢子:透明分生孢子和主轴分生孢子。 Hyaline conidia of Elsinoë spp. are one celled, elliptical, and 2 - 4 x 4 - 8 μm and are the primary source for inoculation. Spores are produced on diseased tissue after only one to two hours of wetting. Spores are then dispersed by water splash to healthy young leaves and twigs where the infection takes place. Three to four hours of wetne ss is required for infection. Citrus is most susceptible at fruit developing stage. Citrus scab affects a variety of citrus species while Sweet orange scab affects primarily orange and mandarines. The best management measure is avoiding entry of contaminat ed material. Once established, the disease can only be managed by two chemical sprays, the first one when 25 % of the flowers are open, followed by a second spray 7 - 10 days after. Copper - based fungicides, benomyl, thiram, captafol and chlorothalonil, carbe ndazim, thiophanate methyl, trifloxystrobin, ferbam, azoxystrobin, trifloxystrobin, pyraclostrobin plus oil are the best chemicals for scab control.

K·B Govindarajulu, K T V拉,Ch S•库马尔,V Gopi T Gouri Sankar L Mukunda拉克希米T那伽拉克希米和G Sarada

