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Comparative Assessment of Wara (Local Cheese) Produced using Three Natural Additives as Coagulants


This study was carried out to assess the nutritional and organoleptic properties of “Wara” - local cheese prepared by addition of some selected coagulants. All experiments were carried out under standard laboratory conditions. The following properties were determined: fat, protein, moisture content, carbohydrate, calcium, Ash, general appearance, texture, color and taste. These were analyzed based on the various coagulants used. Three variants of cheese were made using three natural coagulants which include Calotropis procera (CC), Moringa oleifera (MC) and lemon juice (LC). These were further divided into two based on the quantity of coagulant used, each making a total of six subdivisions; LC1, LC2, MC1, MC2, CC1 and CC2. It was observed that the organoleptic properties such as, texture, colour, taste and general appearance were affected by the quantity of each coagulant added to each of the samples. The results of the proximate analysis showed differences in fat, protein, moisture content, carbohydrate, ash and calcium contents of the different samples prepared. From the results obtained, it can be concluded that Moringa oleifera and Calotropis procera are promising and generally desirable local coagulants in cheese processing.

Orhevba BA, Taiwo AD

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