E - ISSN: 2320 - 3528
P - ISSN: 2347 - 2286
伤寒流行在亚洲太平洋地区、印度次大陆、非洲和南美洲。伤寒的千变万化的表现让这种疾病真正的诊断挑战。隔离来自世界许多地方的现在耐多药(MDR)。需要一种快速而可靠的诊断检测伤寒维达尔试验作为一种替代方法。收集和保存的样品都是按照制造商的指示。维达尔试验是由两种定量方法即幻灯片和试管凝集。大约80和80多名滴定度被认为是重要的滴定度。Typhifast测试是检测试纸定性测试试验中执行测试设备,显示颜色乐队在血清IgM涂布时抗原。粉红色略带紫色的彩色线确认测试结果为阳性。相比之下,积极控制,这也是涂在各自的测试设备。Typhipoint是酶免疫测定(EIA)的检测IgM抗体和免疫球蛋白提取的蛋白质的伤寒沙门氏菌血清。没有这个颜色的点在测试区域表明负面测试结果。 The results were compared with positive control, which was also coated in respective test devices. Total of 100 blood samples of suspected cases of typhoid fever was tested by three methods i.e. widal test, Typhifast &Typhipoit. Widal test in which, 48 samples (48%) were showed positive reaction with slide and tube agglutination method. Widal reaction was positive for TO & TH both in 62.5% of widal positive sample and 30% in suspected cases of typhoid fever&30% for TH in samples. In Widal positive reaction, maximum sample were from age group 21-40 years (58.33%).Out of 48 positive widal sample, 30 (62%) were males and 18 (38%) were females. Typhoid fever patients were outnumbered in MICU (22.2%).48 (48%) samples were positive and 52 (52%) were negative by widal. In typhifast 42 (42%) were positive and 58 (58%) were negative. In typhipoint 44 (44%) positive and 56 (56%) were negative. Out of100samples, 8 were used as positive and negative controls for typhipoint. 92 samples were used for testing. The result of the two methods i.e. Typhifast and Typhipoint were compared with the gold standard Widal test results. Typhipoint was more sensitive than both tests. It showed 7% sensitivity than typhifast. There was little difference among these three tests in positivity reaction point of view. Typhipoint was more sensitive than two tests.
马赫什•辛格达努广告Urhekar Nitin高尔Vijay鬃毛,Amodkumar Yadav, Ajit公斤