



组织寻求建立一个高度有效的和高效的劳动力必须开发能力映射技术,但研究表明,大多数组织未能识别员工的能力,有效地利用了他们因此禁用员工在他们最好的工作。当组织认识到,人真的是他们最宝贵的资源,然后他们接受的角色之一是帮助员工职业生涯管理。能力映射在这个环境中是一个重要的资源,是知识管理的兼职和其他组织计划。能力映射过程旨在持续测量和评估个人和团队的表现,因为它涉及到组织和客户的期望。它是用来识别关键属性(知识、技能和态度),需要执行有效的工作分类或一个确认的过程。能力映射函数的两组数据。一组是基于组织工作流和流程。它始于工作流和流程的清晰的发音,包括所有的质量和数量要求,输入和输出,决策标准,最重要的是,内部和外部的客户需求。为每个步骤在每个过程中,具体的性能需求识别与所有相关的指标和期望。另一组数据是基于个人和团队的表现能力。 It is collected through the utilization of a variety of assessment tools and procedures (which may include a robust 360- degree feedback process) to assess the extent to which individuals and groups can consistently demonstrate over time the competencies required to meet the expectations. Where the output from the organizational maps meets the individual and group performance capabilities, an overall trend line is created that identified where in the process specific developmental opportunities exists, and with what specific population. In this topic we will discuss about the concept of Competency Mapping, Types and Procedure for acquiring Competencies, Purpose of Competency Mapping, THE HINDU explanation for Competency, and HRM Review over Competencies were been explained.

Bharthvajan R
