

关注和保护的角度在Laokhowa Nagaon地区的野生动物保护区,印度阿萨姆邦


Laokhowa野生动物保护区最古老的避难所之一位于Nagaon阿萨姆邦,印度。是之间的经度和纬度26030 / N - 26032 / 92040 / 92047 E / E在洪泛区的雅鲁藏布江。从Nagaon小镇圣约25公里,Nagaon地区的地区总部。它位于极端Nagaon北部边界地区和南部边界Sonitpur区和Burachapori野生动物保护区是有界的,Lawkhowa suti(湿地),霍尔迪亚suti(湿地),和马拉suti(湿地)在北方,Nagaon -Silghat PWD路东,Leterijan(湿地)在西方和森林南路。地貌,圣所基本上由一个平坦的土地和单调的平原是在一定程度上打破了湿地的存在。大地有缓坡从南到北,从东到西,是雅鲁藏布江流域的一部分。该地区的土壤主要是冲积雅鲁藏布江的沉积。通常是肥沃的土壤,粘壤土和粉砂。具有讽刺意味的是,圣所的泛滥平原生态系统知之甚少。因此更好的理解圣所是最重要的需要或有效的和有效的管理这些快速减少的自然资源。 A comprehensive scientific research effort including experimental field trials and long term in-built monitoring programme would greatly enhance the chances of survival of this unique ecosystem and its processes and functions. The basic premise to answer by scientists and managers would be what are harmful effects of current management practice, developmental activities, and other biotic pressure on floral and faunal diversity and productivity on one hand while on the other hand which are the best management practices those are ideal for maintaining at least the current level of diversity and long term conservation goals. The paper provides an insight on the current knowledge: identify threats and concerns: and gaps, priority conservation and management needs.

Sanjeeb Kumar纳
