人类从旧石器时代不仅接受不同的挑战,但也能够成功地克服它。这是由于这些挑战人类历史从石器时代已经进入了数字时代。每个时代的到来和消除威胁人类赋予我们新的课程知识的财政部。有动力,促使我们的创新的挑战。之间的竞争的挑战和与每个试图战胜人类仍在继续。从粮食危机开始,穿过高山和海洋,沙漠和冰的土地,洪水和饥荒,世界大战和恐怖主义,空间和明星,资本主义和阶级冲突进入等脆弱地区的污染,具有大流行被其超现代的文盲,贫困,经济衰退的脸。微,无形的,第200部分点是创伤的最新挑战整个世界。发达和发展中,富人和穷人,强大的和温柔的人,深刻的无知都是谦卑的微生物。这是最艰难的挑战,我们要与致命的病毒是小说和我们没有武器或只有少数武器像电晕疫苗(例如在跟踪阶段)。敌人是无形的,没有任何恶意的意图。 The pathetic picture of bare footed hungry returning migrant laborers, helpless doctors and overcrowded mortuaries, locked down big and small industries, standing still means of transportation, adverse geared economy, sine die closure of academic institutions may appear the enemy getting an edge over us. Howsoever adverse situations may be, but the ultimate victory belongs to human being. It will give a big blow to all our established customs and institutions. The age old ideals that we have been living with – ‘social creature’ ‘community’ ‘togetherness’ are shattered into ‘quarantine’ ‘isolation’, containment and ‘social distancing’. United we stand and divided we fall is reversed into divided we live and united we die. Everest problem is replaced by paradoxical corona problem. Like the previous challenges it also will add some new lessons while demolishing others. Every system and each concept have to be rejuvenated as per the dictates of the virus. The post corona world will no doubt be the same as before corona. The challenges have to be converted in to opportunities. Medicine and medical equipment are the urgent demands which must be grabbed with both hands. Helping hands extended by the nation companies in this hour of crisis compel us to rethink about ‘Swadeshi’. Work from home, online classes, selfdependence, village empowerment, cleanliness, boosting immunity with ‘Ayurveda’, returning to our roots etc. have the immense possibilities which should be explored. Corona centric feelings and expressions are going to enrich literature with new lexicorona, covidioms and coronalogy. With China being the corona culprit, India is now emerging as epicenter for investment and MNCs. My paper is focusing on the roots for providing the new opportunities to middle class families, who were lost their jobs, not once but twice (Firstly on First Wave and then after the new wave make him hopeless). It is rightly to be said that ‘after a dark night, a fresh morning came’. My Socio-economic study must be helping them for searching their livelihood and standing on future. For such objective my current research is originated.
Dubey Awadhesh Kumar博士