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Design and Analysis of Rectangular Conducting Slots Based Substrate Integrated Waveguide


The demand for high performance, high gain, low cost, easy to fabricate and compact antennas for telecommunication and different applications has rapidly increased at microwave and higher frequencies. Substrate Integrated Waveguides (SIW) is planar in nature so it can be fabricated on planar circuits like Printed Circuit Boards (PCB) and can be integrated with other planar transmission lines like microstrips.Substrate Integrated Waveguides (SIW) keep the low loss property of their conventional metallic waveguides and are extensively used as interconnection in high speed circuits, filters, directional couplers, antennas. In this paper a Substrate Integrated Waveguide based antenna using rectangular slots is proposed and its integration with Microstrip line. ComsolMultiphysics is used for simulation results.

Karan Mahajan, Sourabh Mahajan.

Global Tech Summit