障碍物探测机器人总是尽量避开前面的障碍物。它使用Atmega 16a。它有四个i/o端口。它会自动检测障碍物的大小。根据计算的距离,它指导执行器在适当的方向移动。机器人不断地发射红外线。当它碰到障碍物时就会反射回来。反射的红外光束被红外接收机接收。根据接收到的红外强度计算距离。如果这高于一个阈值,那么微控制器就会感知到这一点,并相应地指挥电机。 There by it avoids the obstruction in front of it. The circuit finds variety of applications in our day to day life. It varies from robotics to games. These types of robots are also used in defense systems to track and detect explosives and also to diffuse them.
Siny Paul, nethu M T, Nidhun Das P, Nishin Antony, Nishin Xavier