

CSR mkii控制卡应用软件的设计与实现


本文描述了最近操作天线的经验。天线指向系统(APS)是一种具有机电组件的嵌入式系统。APS的主要功能是通过将天线分别移动到一个轴上提供方位角来自动指向目标。利用编码器实现了天线的闭环位置控制。方位自由度为0°~ 360°。APS由数字控制卡和单轴支承系统组成。数字控制器卡是用微控制器构建的。它是一种具有丰富外设的多功能接口,可用于对通信强度要求较高的汽车应用。本文介绍了在数字控制器卡方面构建最先进的机载嵌入式硬件所面临的挑战,该数字控制器卡必须可靠,紧凑,能够承受恶劣的环境条件,以更小的体积和重量为主要目标。文中还详细介绍了连续跟踪所需的各个软件方面,即视角计算。在某些应用中,即使飞机有航向变化,指向也应该非常精确。 Hence the heading data is also sensed and included in the Look angle Computation. Finally the Industrial design aspects cannot be overlooked as it is meant to be onboard without compromising the factors namely Design for Testability (DFT), Design for Maintainability (DMT), Design for Manufacturability. The developed software shall communicate with motor drives and radar controller to position the Antenna with minimum tolerance in a closed loop system by taking angle of azimuth for Antenna position i.e. in terms of angle from 0 to 360 degree from Encoder and also keeps count of number of complete rotations made by the Antenna.

B.Srinivasa Reddy, Sekhar MSR

