



纺织品用于不同行业和不同目的超乎想象。医疗行业就是其中之一。一个重要的和新兴的纺织工业的一部分是医疗、卫生和卫生部门。医疗纺织产业多元化的新材料和创新设计。最近,纺织品的应用有望超越通常的伤口敷料,失禁垫和膏药等。在这些巨大的医疗纺织品类别中,医院纺织品发挥重要作用,也将满足卫生,舒适和抗微生物特性的要求。这些医院纺织品的功能性需求创新使用了各种天然纤维增强的舒适和卫生的属性为医疗应用新产品的开发。龙舌兰的植物是非常重要的自然资源之一,在热带地区有充足的卫生性能。基于视图,美国植物叶片由机械过程收集和提取。后提取纤维转换成纱和织物形式为不同的医学使用。提取是由使用盒子和benkhen优化的工艺条件。 The anti-bacterial property was tested on fabric using standard AATCC 147 qualitative and AATCC 100 quantitative tests against both positive and negative bacteria with 24 and 48 hour time duration. The anti-bacterial property of Agave Americana fabric was also compared with standard antibiotics. The test result shows that the Agave Americana fiber has good antibacterial activity against the gram negative Escheirchia Coli (32mm & 42mm) bacteria than gram positive Staphylococcus aureus (23mm &35mm) bacteria. Agave Americana fiber has showed higher zone of inhibition against standard antibiotics. Based on the results, the developed anti-bacterial Agave Americana fabric will be most suitable for medical and health care applications.

拉库马Kandhasamy, Krishnaveni Vasudevan
