

生物碱的分布和Allelopathism Selelected杂草作物收获后的字段


尽管有益的杂草总是造成农作物产量的一个重要生物约束。造成的经济损失,这些杂草全球成本每年数十亿卢比。植物的化感作用潜力是杂草管理策略的另一种自然的方式对作物生产和环境效益。虽然植物如杂草的大水库许多新的和潜在的植物化学物质,其中大部分仍然未知由于限制栖息地或因为正传。因此目前的调查进行的十(10)选定的杂草作物收获后油田不同开发阶段的大米和芥末的OUAT农场校园已开两个月左右。杂草的植物学验证通过后Texonomic文献。他们是Cardus高寒L, Cerastium fontanum Baumg。,醉蝶花属人造丝L。大戟属植物maculata L .,向日葵Helianthus tuberosus L。,以serriola L。菲niruri l ., Sinapsis薄荷l ., Vernonia灰质Scherb。,维罗妮卡薄荷L。2014年1月和2月之间杂草收集。原油提取生物碱的内容,估计整个植物的干粉末后,标准方法(Harborne等1992)。 All plant samples indicate the presence of good amount of Alkaloid, highest being in Veronica persica Poiret.(17.35%) and lowest in Cardus nutans (3.07%). Variation of alkaloidal contents with variation in stage of development maximum reaching at the flowering stage, was indicated within the individuals of the same family. The quantity of the alkaloid was species specific.The allelopathic effect of the crude alkaloidal extract tested against the seed germination of Rice,Mung(Green gram ) and Mustard , indicates that the alkaloids are not so effective towards the growth of Rice but quite inhibitory towards the growth of Mung.This result is interpreted basing upon their chi-scquare values.

Parimita Purohit,罗西娜结晶玫瑰
