



介绍药房的职业不仅药品调剂,而且病人护理。临床药学发展,确保减少药物相关问题和改善临床结果。心力衰竭(HF)患者通常患有多种并发症。心力衰竭患者倾向于复方用药和用药错误。他们需要医药保健服务如:准确的药物和解;药物治疗选择、剂量监测药物,促进药物治疗依从性、对复杂的药物治疗和咨询。当前研究的目的目的是文档的潜在干预对心衰临床药师在多学科团队。方法回顾性观察研究。心力衰竭病人的文件将成为药剂师检查评估干预措施的评价和意义。结果与讨论的研究包括99例心力衰竭和接收临床药师干预。 Males were prevalent (68.7%). The mean ejection fraction percent (EF%) is 29.2%. The mean value of brain natriuretic peptide (Pro BNP) is 2235.9 ng/L. The mean number of drugs that the patient of heart failure is taking is 7.3. The current study is documenting the pharmacist interventions, as a member of the HF team. These interventions included several aspects such as detection of drugs with no indication 20.2%, identification of inappropriate drugs 10.1%, changing doses 32.3%, increasing or decreasing administration frequency 9.1%, discovering possible drug-drug interactions 1.1%, omitting duplicate order drugs 4%, addition of medication 45.5%, and asking for extra laboratory tests 28.3%. Clinical pharmacists offered patient education regarding life style, exercise, and diet. The agreement between the clinical pharmacist recommendation and the consultant decision: In 79.7% the consultant agreed and implemented the advice of the clinical pharmacist. In 3.8% the consultant decision and course of action was not compatible with the clinical pharmacist advice. Conclusion The clinical pharmacist proved very essential as a member in the heart failure team. Interventions made by the pharmacist were important and lifesaving. Most of the pharmacist recommendations were implanted by the physician. The pharmacist recommendations aimed at the improvement of the HF patient quality of life and maximum benefit of the drugs.

Majid Al muzlif Fadwa Khuraisy

