



药物相关问题(DRP)是指涉及药物治疗的事件,实际上或潜在地干扰了患者的最佳医疗护理结果。开展药学服务,通过预防、识别和解决DRPs,优化药物治疗,保障用药安全。本研究的目的是确定急诊室(ED)患者中最常见的DRPs类型和导致这些DRPs的药物类别,并找出急诊科临床药剂师在识别和解决DRPs方面的影响。材料和方法:一项前瞻性、观察性研究纳入了所有年龄≥18岁、入院至少48小时并需要药物干预的成年患者。所有drp被识别并记录为临床药剂师日常工作职责的一部分。所有类别变量均以频率和百分比表示。连续变量以均数±标准差表示,采用卡方检验来确定研究结果与分类变量之间的显著性关系。结果共171例患者,平均年龄56.36±20.14岁,成人57.3%,老年42.7%。共报告DRPs 114例;85.5%为临床药师预防。 Among studied patients, 48.2% had at least one DRP. The most frequently DRPs found were unnecessary drug therapy (41.2 %) and the most frequently drug classes causing DRPs were antibiotics (28.9%). With regard to antibiotics and anticoagulants, the most common DRP encountered was unnecessary drug therapy (p<0.000 in each group). DRPs caused by antihypertensive, antiplatelets, and antidyslipdemic agents were more frequently found in elderly patients (p=0.001, 0.009, and 0.041 respectively). Conclusion This study showed the importance of clinical pharmacists in identifying potential DRPs in ED. The rational use of various drugs; especially antibiotics, in ED is very important. These findings require further studies to show the impact of clinical pharmacists in improving the quality of care among patients admitted to ED.

苏丹穆罕默德·穆巴拉克,哈立德·叶海亚,穆罕默德·阿尔沙赫拉尼,Neemat S. Elhaj, Huda F. AL-Dossari

