E-BABE——呼吸肌肉训练的影响,改善内部和外部thoraco-pulmonary COPD患者的呼吸机制
作品简介:慢性阻塞性肺疾病(CPOD)是一种严重的失能病理学。吸气或呼气肌肉训练可能有利影响具体的指标和一般改进对这种疾病。我们假设,当结合支气管清除,这个培训将产生有益的影响在这些患者肺功能和生活质量。方法:40 COPD受试者分类黄金I和II和60.38±8.02岁10被分成四组。其中三组训练的帮助下阈值(®)工具用于(1)吸气,呼气,(2)(3)吸气和呼气的目的;他们的培训补充整理和下肢肌肉锻炼,第四组同时收到。病人接受16康复疗程8周时间。的变量包括:(1)在1 s用力呼气量(FEV1)和spirometrically测量呼气和吸气流速峰值(病人和PIFR);(2)易疲劳性,呼吸困难,心率和步行距离评估在6分钟步行试验;(3)最大吸气压力和(4)最大呼气压力阈值(®)评估的工具和(5)的生活质量的迹象的圣乔治呼吸问卷(SGRQ)得分。 Results: Only in group 1, there was significant improvement with regard to FEV1 and PEFR. There was no PIFR modification in any of the groups. On the other hand, signs of quality of life scores along with dyspnea, fatigability and heart rate showed significant improvement in the three experimental groups, and significant improvement in maximum inspiratory pressure was observed in groups 1 and 3. Discussion: When associated with decluttering techniques, diaphragmatic rehabilitation and lower limb muscle exercise along with psychological support and educational efforts, respiratory muscle training is beneficial when compared with the usual protocols in rehabilitation of COPD patients.