



生物多样性是一个资产在全球各地旅游和它有很大的差异。它在维护一个健康的生态系统是至关重要的。从过去几十年生物多样性受到影响,由于快速的城市化进程。各种努力保护生物多样性;其中一个是保护区留给稀有和濒危物种的植物群和动物群。马哈拉施特拉邦有15732平方公里的森林保留约5.02%的国家的地理区域。马哈拉施特拉邦丰富多样的生物多样性从森林、湿地、草原海岸和常绿森林。自然,成熟在西高止山脉已经被联合国教科文组织列入《世界遗产名录》。保护濒临灭绝的稀有的植物物种和动物物种在发展中国家是一个挑战,不严格遵守规章制度。生态旅游是保护濒危物种的关键,因为它被称为基于可持续发展的自然旅游。 It incorporates tourism in harmony with nature. Further it provides opportunities for tourists to experience and explore the powerful manifestation of nature. It also emphasizes the utmost necessity of protection of biodiversity and local culture. Ecotourism helps in economic development of area through employment generation. Awareness created and income generated through ecotourism enables to protect the endangered species. This paper attempts to find out significance of eco-tourism in protection of biodiversity in Maharashtra. A detailed study is needed to investigate the pressure and negative impact on biodiversity. Adoption of ecotourism on the grounds of environment carrying capacity will lead to sustainable tourism development and this is the need of the hour.

这个m . Joshi博士
