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我t是众所周知,赌博成瘾和网络游戏障碍患者都患有其他精神障碍。目前的工作代表并分析互连,时间序列和其他精神障碍在个人发展的风险与GD和IGD。电子文学进行了搜索使用PubMed、美国科学ScienceDirect、Webи谷歌学者。分析现有的研究发现IGD高度的相关性和焦虑92%,与抑郁症89%,患有ADHD注意力缺陷多动障碍(ADHD) 85%,与社交恐惧症/焦虑和强迫症状75%。在赌博上瘾的情况下,最高的疾病被发现与精神药物使用高达57.5%;与抑郁症23% - 40%;焦虑症37.4 - -60%的球员。因此,精神药物依赖高5 - 6倍,焦虑和情绪障碍的发病率高出3倍在GD患者与普通人群相比。从这些研究中表明,超过一半的精神病理学加入共病情况下,当一个人开始,出现了相关问题,由于行为成瘾。从游戏抛弃和恢复健康的重要活动,症状的严重程度下降。 In other studies, it is difficult to establish a temporal sequence. Gambling addiction can form in individuals without mental disorders, as well as in people with mental disorders at the subclinical or clinical level. But as a result, new mental disorders are added, or existing ones are aggravated. The question is not in any particularly vulnerable group of people, but in the modern products of the gaming industry, which themselves are the main risk factor for GD and IGD development and their accompanying psychopathology. Dependence from the gambling and Internet gaming disorder are behavioral dependencies in the center of which is dependence from a certain type of the gaming behavior over which the control is lost, both in frequency of involvement in the game, as well as in time. A pathological craving for play appears and eventually increases to a compulsive urge, which is constantly embodied almost without a struggle of motives. The dependent person continues to play despite the negative consequences for his mental and physical health, personality, relationships in the family, with friends and in the team, in the professional sphere or in school. The pathological need for the game becomes dominant and replaces all other interests, hobbies, forms of activity, relationships end even the basic needs: food, sleep, intimacy, child care, etc. At the moment, both of these addictions are recognized as mental disorders and are included in the ICD 11 and in the DSM - V classification as addictive behaviour. GD and IGD show very many common intersections in clinical manifestations and neurobiological changes, as well as in negative psychosocial consequences and comorbid psychopathology.

Tetiana Zinchenko
