



直流电机是最常用的执行机构产生连续运动的旋转速度可以很容易地控制,使其适合使用在应用程序速度控制,伺服控制型和/或定位是必需的。在许多应用程序中,直流电机需要顺时针和逆时针方向旋转。为此H桥的设计。h桥电路是流行的电路直流(DC)电机和使其旋转。它叫做H -桥,因为它看起来像资本“H”古典示意图。的能力h桥电路,电机可以在任何速度驱动向前或向后。尽管大量的h桥控制器的开发工作已经完成电驱动但在分析已经发现,在方向改变电机驱动控制器使用h桥驱动患有稳态振荡。不同的策略可用于调速电驱动,但不能提供有效监管的h桥控制器。背后的主要原因这一缺陷,发现在分析电枢电流的谐波。介绍了一个基于技术,有效的减少谐波三臂h桥速度控制器使用磁滞同步控制直流电机速度控制脉冲发生器(HCSPG)技术。 This paper first presents the development of Hysteresis Controlled Synchronized Pulse Generator (HCSPG) technique for three phase operation using Matlab Simulink, which then interfaced with the three arms H bridge controlled DC motor using the Matlab Simulink. The speed of DC motor is controlled through the controlling of firing angles of power semiconductor switch using HCPPG. The proposed techniques basically deals with the generation of controlled voltage for three arms H bridge followed by HCSPG which generates controlled pulses with reference to speed obtained at the output for firing. The model developed uses controlled pulses generated by HCSPG hence shows the ability to provide high harmonics reduction efficiency. We also concluded that the proposed controller will achieve the shorter settling time and also lower overshoot and steady state error.

桑杰库马尔Patel Dhaneshwari Sahu Vikrant辛格Thakur:睡椅

