



作品简介:癌症已成为世界上最大的杀手。发展中国家没有幸免的影响,移民在饮食和社会活动的明显标志和可能的工业化清洁环境的影响,例如,中国。津巴布韦和撒哈拉以南非洲地区未能幸免,据报道,但70%的癌症相关死亡的速度在low-to-medium-income国家(中低收入国家的要求)。仅在津巴布韦,最近的数据指出,有新病例报道的数量增加了7%(7018年)与前列腺癌和宫颈癌是最经常发生癌症。目的:寻找我们复审癌症现状在津巴布韦和符合国家癌症策略,提倡低成本、循证和有效的对付癌症的方法。方法:我们回顾了那些事实表的数据和津巴布韦癌症注册表上的现状和趋势。结果:津巴布韦,像任何其他LMIC国家面临着越来越多的癌症负担。主要局限在癌症、诊断、治疗和护理主要是由于贫困检测的局限性(65%)和技术(设备、病人意识和相关人员(35%)。前列腺癌(9%)最近取代卡波济肉瘤(7%)是最常出现癌症男性在津巴布韦。女性宫颈癌仍频繁发生癌症(19%)。 In 2014, cancer emerged as the biggest cause of mortality in Zimbabwe ahead of HIV/AIDS and TB. Black Cumin (Nigella sativa) is a traditional herb that can cure a number of cancers. The active compound of Nigella sativa, Thymoquinone (TQ) was found to be active against the following listed cancer types: Blood Cancer, Breast Cancer, Pancreatic Cancer, Renal Cancer, Skin cancer, Lung Cancer, Hepatic Cancer, Colon Cancer, Fibrosarcoma and Prostate Cancer. Discussion and conclusion: The mechanism of action of Thymoquinone against cancers has been reviewed and TQ has been identified with modulation of p53 pathway, upregulating apoptosis genes p21 and Brca. We are also calling for a shift in cancer alertness in the primary healthcare systems, and the advocacy of traditional medicine, such as the black seed which has been proved to be efficacious against major cancers. We hypothesise that black seed will also be able to fight against the undocumented cancers prevalent in the poor African populations.

挪亚赫伯特·保罗,艾玛Rutendo Makozho, Ketiwe Choto,吉布森Mandikuwaza, Pricilla Chigumbu,考特尼Gwinyayi Mutambanengwe和埃德森Sibanda
