ISSN在线(2319 - 8753)打印(2347 - 6710)
洪水在印度是一个主要的环境问题,它对生命和财产造成毁灭性的影响。本研究的目的是描述和识别洪水危害和风险评估在景观层面上利用陆地卫星卫星数据在Chamoli区从1974年到2013年,印度北阿坎德邦覆盖总地理面积8030平方公里。研究区隔30 - 31°N 79 - 80°E经度和纬度。卫星数据是ortho-rectified并使用区边界提取研究区。植被类型/土地利用图是使用屏幕上的目视判读技术准备的。multi-flood时间序列数据集是用于数字高程模型的制备。地理信息系统是用于识别与zone-wise的洪水多发地区分类。洪水频率地图开发使用multi-date陆地卫星图像。植被类型分类/从1974 - 2013年的土地利用图上找出洪水的频率。洪水受灾地区被分为极低,低,中,高,非常高和非常高的基于易受洪水风险的潜力。 The areas were further categorized, based on the vulnerability of flood viz; extremely high (6) very high (5), high (4), medium (3), low (2) and very low (1) respectively. The study assigned the scores to each class for further determination of risk zone in various thematic layers such as slope, aspect and elevation. The incorporation of all thematic layers and flood frequency map was generated to prepare flood hazard and risk map using GIS platform. Flood frequency and flood prone areas were calculated using DEM. The vegetation type/land use map was integrated for creation of flood hazard and risk assessment. Based on this analysis the flood risk zones at different levels and intensity in the Chamoli district were prepared. This flood hazard and risk assessment maps will be useful to management and mitigate losses of lives and property from recurrent flood disasters in Chamoli District. This model can also be applied to comparable areas in Himalayas.
国民生产总值Bhatt, Komal Sinha P.K. Deka, Ajay Kumar