



苏拉特是古吉拉特邦的大多数发展中城市。在苏拉特许多行业相关纺织品、钻石、石油化工及其它化工。Tapi是古吉拉特邦传递最大的河流之一的苏拉特市由于苏拉特是最脆弱的城市之一受到重复的洪水的影响。在河Tapi Ukai大坝建于1974年的大坝坐落在苏拉特上游93公里的城市。苏拉特市位于河Tapti和阿拉伯海。最近洪水的1994年、1998年和2006年造成了巨大的财产损失和损害引起的洪水淹没的1994后由于所谓的瘟疫那么多人死亡,广泛的媒体报道了在世界上广泛的担忧。由于气候变化的事件短时间高强度的降雨增加了Tapti流域。1998年三峡大坝是大约九十个百分比。由于短时间高强度的降雨导致大坝权威高流入大坝被迫释放的水大坝。河的承载能力是大约3 lac流量单位,释放水两倍以上的释放能力导致了洪水的苏拉特市。 The some parts of the city due to lower elevation were under water. The depth of water varies from 0.3 meters to 3.0 meters in the certain parts of area. In 2006 the situation of 1998 was repeated and this time the situation was worse than 1998 flood. The ninety percentage areas of city were under water. Apart from this the earthen bunds and retaining walls on the either side of the river bank has been constructed to pass flood safely. In this paper various areas vulnerable for flooding in Surat city is discussed using help of remote sensing and GIS. Also discuss major steps to taken for prevention of flood and its after effects.

Dhruvesh公里,μ和Aditya MV

