



火灾灾害问题的学校无疑将继续成为一个主要的问题在世界各地的管理教育。肯尼亚政府通过教育部(M.O.E)承认学生在学校的安全是必不可少的有效的学习。情况下火d特在肯尼亚中学经历了在过去十年增加频率和严重程度。对最近y耳朵,生命和财产价值数百万先令被毁在这些火灾灾害。本研究评估火灾灾害的频率和严重程度在Vihiga县中学,肯尼亚。本研究的主要目的是评估火灾灾害的频率和严重程度在中学的学习。使用了一个评估研究设计。使用分层简单随机抽样选择学校和受访者。研究人口是由中学校长、教师、实验室技术人员、学生和DQASOs Vihiga县。使用结构化问卷调查收集的数据是专为教师、学生和实验室技术员,深入采访学校校长和DQASOs观察清单。 Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 11.5 was used in the analysis of data with Chi-square being used to test independence and variation of responses. A spearman’s rank order corre lation was run to determine the relat ionship between teachers’ and students’ responses. According to the findings of this study, it was established that: five out of the thirty five schools that participated in the study had experienced fire disasters in the last 10 years; most of the general requirements for fire disaster preparedness were not in place; most of the schools did not have trained personnel in handling fire disasters and Limited funds was a strong barrier to fire disaster preparedness in secondary schools. It was concluded that: fire disasters in Vihiga are frequent and severe; most of the administrators and even teachers were not trained in fire fighting skills; The findings of the study are to empower schools to reduce their vulnerability to fire disasters. Policy makers will also use this information in formulating and implementing policies on fire safety in secondary schools.

帕梅拉Imisa Shibutse Omuterema博士,教授中国年代
