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Health Hazards of Organic Solvents


Organic solventsare one of the most trivialized hazards. They are used for a million purposes in chemical reactions. Almost every organic solvent is health hazard if swallowed or inhaled more than the listed quantity. Most of the organic solvents are skin irritants if came contact with the skin. Some of the regularly used organic solvents are Acetone, Acetonitrile,Cyclohexane, and Ethanol, Methyl alcohol, Toluene and xylene. Scientists, research’s and workers in Commercial industries and research institutes use above mentioned organic solvents on regular basis May have occupational subjection. People living near the commercial industries may have environmental subjection when they come in contact with poisoned water, soil and air. The above mentioned solvents on a constant exposure badly affect the function of central nervous system (CNS).The Impact will be based on the Concentration of the solvent and duration of exposure and the toxicity of the solvent. Signs and symptoms suggestive of CNS involvement range from headaches, tiredness, and dizziness to behavioural changes, unconsciousness, and death.

史va kumar S, Subhashini D

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