



目的:本文的目的是提出干预条件影响的实现在线学习在资源受限的护理教育机构在卢旺达。使用方法:探索性定性方法。四十参与者有目的的选择确定学校的校园在卢旺达,包括护理学生,护士教育工作者,和ICT经理。数据收集使用半结构化面试指南深度访谈和焦点小组讨论。文档分析被用来获得额外的数据,定性数据是主题分析。结果:研究结果表明有干预条件下,影响适当的护理教育中电子学习的实现,这些被促进和抑制因子。成为促进条件的子类别(a)制度对教师和学生的支持,(b)合作和协作,(c)电子学习的政策和法规;(d)的有效性学习管理系统(Moodle), (e) e-readiness, (f)弥合数字鸿沟。抑制子类别使用电子学习条件:(一)资源约束;(b) ICT素养不足(计算机/互联网/ Moodle); (c) challenges with the language of instruction; (d) generational age gap (e) lack of policies regarding e-learning; (f) resistance to change; and (g) issues related to the Moodle interface design. Conclusion/recommendations: The results indicate that the success of e-learning depends not only on the availability of ICT infrastructures but also on the users’ readiness, and the institutional abilities to respond to the challenges posed by a technology-mediated learning environment. Institutions must develop ICT support mechanisms to proficiently deliver media-intensive learning in an inexpensive way and to support daily e-learning facilitation for both teaching staff and students. It is essential to improve the digital literacy of the users and to enhance the utilisation of Moodle (or other elearning platforms) as a Learning Management System.

亚历克西斯Harerimana *和Ntombifikile G Mtshali

