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埃塞俄比亚南部Sidama地区小农面临的主要挑战是缺乏可以节省时间和提高黄油回收率的搅拌设备。本研究在西达马地区对传统黄油搅拌机(陶罐)与改进的手动黄油搅拌机的黄油制作效率、搅拌时间和黄油量进行了评价。此次选拔的54名女性农民来自有悠久牛奶加工传统的3个奶产潜力地区。使用当地品种的5升牛奶,对这两种搅拌器的效率进行了评估。两台搅拌设备的容积均为20升。在p> ~ 0.5条件下,改良搅拌器获得的黄油量(0.41 kg/5l)显著高于传统陶罐(0.26kg/5l)。此外,传统的黄油加工机制所花费的搅拌时间(59分钟)明显长于改进的搅拌机(26分钟)。96%的受访者认为,从改进的搅拌器获得的黄油质量从非常好到优秀,而从传统搅拌器获得的黄油质量只有15%的受访者表示满意。相反,约48%的受访者认为从改进的搅拌器获得的黄油牛奶从非常好到极好,而从传统搅拌器获得的黄油牛奶的比例为59%。研究结果还表明,改进的搅拌器的黄油制作效率几乎是传统搅拌器的两倍(82%)。 In conclusion, improved churner was preferred to local one for its ability to yield better amount of butter, more butter making efficiency and shorter churning time it required. For rural areas of Ethiopia where women are responsible for feeding the family and investing almost all income to the family, obtaining more butter could enhance income and dietary diversity of the household. Moreover, the improved butter churner has saved workload and drudgery of rural women by reducing their churning time. Using improved churners could also contribute for reducing gender disparity through participating men in milk churning process Therefore, it is suggested that improved milk churner needs to be introduced, demonstrated and promoted to small-holder dairy farmers not only within the study region, but also beyond. Market linkage need also to be established between suppliers of improved churner machine and dairy farmers at reasonable cost.

Tsedey A, Bereket Z和Genene T

