



毫无疑问,美国面临着一个严重的和不断增长的,足够挑战开发和教育公民可以执行的工作需求技能在科学,技术,工程和数学(STEM)域。我们没有足够的员工来填补这个需求在短期内,这个问题只会变得更糟的。解决“STEM挑战”这样伟大的国家重点关注的一个问题。奥巴马总统指出,“加强遏制教育是至关重要的准备我们的学生在21世纪的经济竞争,我们需要招募和培训数学和科学教师支持我们国家的学生。”(白宫新闻发布会上,2010年9月27日)。没有高质量、知识密集型的工作和创新企业,导致发现和新技术,我们的经济就会受到影响,我们的人民将面临较低的生活标准。对工程师的需求正在上升。但我们面临着令人沮丧的学生人数统计考虑工程事业,和令人失望的美国学生的数学和科学成绩那地方性能低于许多发达国家。美国是不会有工程师需要保持竞争力并保持世界领先的创新没有更多的投资。证据确凿的趋势已报告在全国范围内的兴趣下降,可怜的防备,缺乏多样化的表现,和低持久性的美国学生STEM(科学、技术、工程和数学)学科坚实的基础在遏制教育是至关重要的对所有国家的居民为自己做出明智的决定,他们的家庭和社区,准备奖励就业和可持续的事业在增长和新兴产业,国家的经济知识和创新。我们的社会已经对自然世界面临着艰难的抉择:化石燃料的消耗和替代能源,保护水供应的食物,并确保我们呼吸的空气的质量等等。 It is essential to ensure that all students understand why it is important to study these areas. Students need to be sufficiently STEM-literate to make informed decisions, illustrate the linkage between STEM education and national economy and provide an example to other students of the contributions they could make to society by entering the STEM program profession, and convene one or more task forces to develop and maintain a multi-decade roadmap for STEM education and the fields that require it, with a goal of ensuring continuing US leadership in knowledge and innovation Recently, however, corporate, government, and national scientific and technical leaders have come together on a single goal with an Advanced STEM education Program to create, deploy, and apply STEM education in ways that radically empower all scientific and engineering research and allied education in the United States that would inevitably improve its future prosperity, social and economic conditions and in particular increase the ability of its citizens to compete for high-quality jobs

