ISSN: 2347 - 7830
所有的患者报告长期咳嗽都要求家庭的历史接触杀虫剂喷蟑螂、蚊子,之前发作的疾病。数据收集的31名患者可能与接触杀虫剂喷洒的症状相关。所有的31名患者喷洒杀虫剂本身和工作或睡在同一个房间里喷洒后几个小时。出现症状是相同或第二天的曝光。在22/31的病人;与喉疾病开始的症状。所有病人的咳嗽1 - 3天内开始。26/31(83.87%)的患者很少或没有痰。10/31(32.26%)的患者中央胸骨后的胸痛。16/31(51.61%)的患者喘息的只有3之前喘息的历史。 Fever was typically absent. The symptoms lingered for average 5.77 weeks. There was no response to antibiotics but steroid therapy lead to rapid relief from the symptoms. The syndrome appears to be a laryngotracheobronchitis. This is purely an observational study and there is a strong circumstantial evidence that suggests the causative association. Further studies are warranted to study the correlation, incidence and mechanisms responsible for this syndrome.