45岁男性,左乳阴道畸形5个月。无其他体质症状或恶性肿瘤家族史。临床表现为左乳边界不清的肿块伴皮肤硬化(图1)。腋窝或锁骨上窝未见可触及淋巴结。x线检查仅显示乳腺致密(图2)。超声检查显示复杂实性囊性肿块,边缘不清,内部无明显血管(图3)。该患者既往FNAC和CNB均无明确诊断。因此,采用乳房活检仪(Ethicon Endo surgery, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA)进行真空辅助乳腺活检(VAB)。该过程用11g手持式真空探头进行。由于患者有复杂实性囊性肿块,可能是由于肿瘤中含有大量坏死、囊性和出血区。VAB被认为是有用的,因为它一开始就吸出了液体,防止了肿块的模糊。囊性部分塌陷后,可以从病变的实性部分获得连续的样本。所以真空是用来吸液体的。 and also helps to quantify the solid component thus increase the accuracy of VAB. Histopathology showed papillary cluster of tumour cells and on high magnification was suggestive of papillary adenocarcinoma (Figures 4,5). He then underwent left simple mastectomy and level II axillary clearance. Histopathology confirmed the mass as papillary adenocarcinoma and that surgical margins were free. On immunehistochemical analysis the tumour cells were strongly positive for estrogen and progesterone receptors and was negative for her 2/neu.