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Investigating the Choline Chloride: Urea and Choline Chloride: Glycerol Deep Eutectic Solvents as Nanofluids Dispersants for Convective Heat Transfer


In this paper, two Deep Eutectic Solvents (DESs), choline chloride: urea and choline chloride: glycerol with molar ratios of 1:2, respectively, were investigated as dispersants for Al2O3 nanoparticles (NPs) to study the heat exchange. Because of the DESs’ high thermal properties, especially at high temperatures, they became good candidates for heat transfer applications. We prepared the DESs and examined their thermal conductivity as a new approach data using a thermal conductivity meter. Nanoparticles loading ratios of 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 vol.% was proposed to inspect the thermal effect. Viscosity, friction factor (f), Nusselt number (Nu), Prandtl number (Pr), Reynolds number (Re), and heat transfer coefficient (h) relationships were studied in details under laminar flow conditions. Results showed that both of the pristine DESs had higher heat transfer coefficients than the nanofluids at all loadings, which attributed to the high heat capacity of the DESs than the NPs materials. Here, the heat transfer coefficient of the nanofluids decreased by increasing the NPs loading.

Ghassan H. Abdullah1, Noor Albayati2 and Mohammed Kadhom3*

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