ISSN: 2347 - 7830
光蛋白的照片显示的是一个重要的考虑摄影文化遗产,这是成为19世纪最重要的摄影印刷过程。每个光源发出几个辐射具有不同的能量,蛋白的最有害的一个照片是紫外线辐射。高水平的能量在紫外线辐射和高灵敏度照相材料的光使博物馆的展示过程困难的东西随着年龄的增长会导致图像的衰变。介绍了实验的结果和分析的研究蛋白的性能在照相印出暴露在紫外线辐射下。测试材料蛋白摄影印刷准备。蛋白粘合剂的形态和性质进行了分析。的表面拓扑结构蛋白通过扫描电子显微镜研究了。修改后的表面被红外光谱特征。蛋白的化学成分估计根据ASTM标准。力学性能的蛋白也被调查。 Mutation in tonal quantity has been specified. The theoretical change of the albumen was also calculated and compared with the experimental results. Comparison between the experimental results and those of analytical results indicate that at a rate of 23.64% ± will be in the color characteristics of the image, 1.07% ± in the color intensity of the image, 7.34% ± in the mechanical properties of the paper supporting a picture, the chemical properties has been affected slightly, which may increase over time.