19个样品新鲜原料奶,巴氏杀菌奶、本地和商业生产酸奶样本评估总乳酸菌活菌数(实验室)在有氧和无氧条件下使用选择性的媒体。酸奶样品显示更高的实验室计数范围从1.0×106 2.2 5.6×107 cfu /毫升和107×5.4×108 cfu /毫升牛奶样品相比变化从1.1×105 6.1 7.2×106 cfu /毫升和105×5.3×107 cfu /毫升分别在有氧和厌氧条件。一般来说,厌氧实验室增长(6.1×105 - 5.4×108 cfu /毫升)数高于有氧增长(1.1×105 - 5.6×107 cfu /毫升)。一百九十一(191)不同的实验室被孤立和分类into13组殖民地的基础上他们的菌落形态和微观特性。这些孤立的确定和选择13个实验室菌株表型的基础上,生理生化特性。七个分离株(53.8%)被发现属于属乳酸菌,其余六个分离株链球菌属(46.2%)。确定乳酸菌种类包括l . cellobiosus l . delbrueckii l . hilgardii l . coryniformis无性系种群。coryniformis唾液l, l . leichmanni和l .杆菌。另一方面,粪链球菌物种鉴定为s, s . lactis s .酸奶都有效,sanguis和uberis。个人实验室特点的能力在考虑生产优质的酸奶颜色、一致性、豆腐,乳清以及气体的存在与否。 Considering every aspect, mixture of S. lactis and S. uberis were found to produce the better organoleptic characteristic yoghurt. Isolated LAB were also screened for the top acid producer. Among the identified all isolates, S. uberis produced the highest acid (w/v) 0.18% and L. cellobiosus and L. delbrueckii among Lactobacillus species produced highest quantity 0.15% after 6 hours of incubation period. While after prolong incubation period of 72 hours, S. lactis and S. uberis were the utmost producer of acid (w/v) 0.46% and 0.47% equivalent to 360 mg and 370 mg of lactate respectively. These two species in combination and with other all the species produced 0.50% and 0.60% acid equivalent to 394 mg and 472 mg of lactate respectively.