



这篇文章是关于一个小研究方面的人性和社会最后的无组织的少数民族之一。它假装偏手性及其类型。欧美的左撇子更大的频率比东方文化和限制使用左手中根深蒂固的信仰体系和社会解释在一个给定的文化。描述性研究方法被用来解开圣经和古兰经说什么关于左撇子。右手是圣经中提到积极的100倍,而左手只提到了25倍,所有的负面。《圣经》强调“右手”是现实的反映。手总是比其他的手臂,和90%的人是右。通过暗示,在绝大多数人,右手更强。因此,圣经用右手作为力量和荣誉的象征(说)左手的财富和荣誉。先知的Sunnah说明需要使用正确的手为我们希望的一切。 Handwriting is a highly valued and prized skill. The position of the Qur’an is that the child can write with his/her left hand without any problem. It is unnecessary to insist upon the child writing with his/her right hand or using the right hand when engaging in other activities requiring of extra degree of manual dexterity. For a lefthanded child to use his/her right hand for such acts can have detrimental consequences for the child’s confidence, education and self-esteem. In light of the findings of this study, the paper recommended that a parent should make left-handedness feel like a blessing instead of a curse by treating it as one thing that makes a child distinct and special. Thinking outside the box is a specialty of lefties, which translate well to problem solving at school and in the society. Teacher training institutions should ensure that every teacher is trained to recognize and provide for the needs of the left-handed children.

Alhassan AB
