ISSN在线(2320 - 9801)打印(2320 - 9798)
在过去的几年里,点对点(P2P)系统迅速在普及,并已成为一种共享资源的主要方式。在这些系统中,负载平衡是一个关键的挑战,因为节点往往是异构的。虽然在文献中提出了负载平衡方案,这些方案通常是临时的,基于启发式和本地化。在本文中,我们提出了一个通用框架,HiGLOB,全球结构化P2P系统的负载平衡。HiGLOB中的每个节点有两个关键组件:1)直方图管理器维护一个直方图反映了全球的分布系统中的负载,和2)负载平衡管理器,重新分配时的负载节点超载或在加载。我们利用元数据路由到P2P网络分割成没有重叠区域直方图对应的桶。我们建议机制保持直方图的构造和维护成本低。我们进一步证明我们的方案可以控制和约束整个系统的负载不平衡。我们提出一个新的框架,称为直方图全球负载均衡(HiGLOB)来促进全球结构化P2P系统的负载平衡。每个节点P HiGLOB有两个关键组件。 The first component is a histogram manager that maintains a histogram that reflects a global view of the distribution of the load in the system. The histogram stores statistical information that characterizes the average load of no overlapping groups of nodes in the P2P network. These nodes are connected to P through its neighbor nodes. The histogram information can be used for two purposes. On one hand, it is used to determine if a node is normally loaded, overloaded, or under loaded. On the other hand, it is used to facilitate the discovery of a lightly loaded node or a heavily loaded node for the load-balancing process when it is needed. The second component of the system is a load-balancing manager that takes actions to redistribute the load whenever a node becomes overloaded or under loaded.