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Loss Based Distribution System Planning Incorporating Multiple DG in Distribution Network


Around the world, conventional power system is facing the problems of gradual depletion of fossil fuel resources, poor energy efficiency and environmental pollution. These problems have led to a new trend of generating power locally at distribution voltage level. This type of power generation is termed as distributed generation (DG) and the energy sources are termed as distributed energy resources (DERs).The distribution network becomes active with the integration of DG and hence is termed as active distribution network. DG provides several advantages such as reliability, flexibility and efficiency. Several optimization methods are utilized to find out the size and location of the DG with an objective of minimization of losses. In this paper, Differential Evolution Algorithm is used for optimal sizing and location with an objective of minimizing the power losses. The proposed method is tested on standard IEEE 33-bus test system and the results are tabulated.

G.Chandra Prabha, S.Nagalakshmi

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