石头:2229 - 371 x
关联规则挖掘算法关注发现的有效测试的所有项目或元素规则的域,而测试一些已知的元素,这使得过程效率低下,因为它会生成一个非常大量的候选人。同时,大多数算法把多个通过数据库和结果一个很高的I / O开销。数据库磁盘居民和不能完全在主存管理,多个通过数据库减少任何已知的关联规则挖掘算法的性能相当。这个问题建议的解决方案是独立的不相交的子域,使相互。在本文中,我们集中在1。子域的分离使相互组成元素的域。2。摘要数据库。大型的项目领域相互关联形成小的子组即域是集中在小团体[3]。这个属性出现在许多实际的情况下,如生物信息学、电子商务等[3]。 The element of a sub- group can be processed for discovery of association rules as in this case the size of candidate set is comparably small to the exponential size of candidates of Apriori in pure form. Most algorithms take multiple passes over the entire database which results in inefficiency and high IO overheads. The proposed algorithm maintains a list of transactions that are related with the component in processing and hence only those transactions are processed instead of the entire database.
Kanhaiya拉尔和n c Mahanti