ISSN在线(2278 - 8875)打印(2320 - 3765)
机动车盗窃是一个严重的问题在世界的许多地方。在印度,偷车的年度亏损超过40亿美元。汽车信息委员会(AIC)报道称,超过一百万每年在中国机动车辆被盗。这是一个汽车盗窃发生每31秒。因此它已成为安全的汽车在这个现代世界的关键。本论文旨在提出保护汽车使用无线电频率识别(RFID)技术等技术,拇指登记制度的本质和人脸识别是有效的。这个项目的运作模式分为训练模式,自动模式和手动模式.Initially RFID系统得到验证。这个系统的重要性,它被验证在公路运输办公室(RTO)。这种身份验证导致拇指登记模块的经验是加强使用模式匹配算法的效率(PMA)。人脸识别系统后使用拇指登记。然后系统允许用户开车。 For emergency, a key insertion slot will be placed in the system with the help of which the user can insert the key. During this emergency mode of operation the camera captures the driver’s image and sends it to the owner’s mobile as Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS). The owner provides the password then the system allows the user to drive the vehicle. Global System for Mobile communication (GSM) module is also kept inbuilt for tracking purpose. The software testing in this project is done using LabVIEW. The timing and efficiency will be analyzed for both hardware and software based on which the implementation will be done in future.
Priya Darshini。V1, Prasannabalaje年代。米,普拉卡什。R Rekha.V Vinodhini。R, Sangeetha Monica.T