



二氧化硫是一种非常危险的腐蚀性污染物。这与材料腐蚀性气体产生危险的腐蚀作用。它与潮湿的氧气反应生成酸生成材料腐蚀问题。它改变了他们的物理、化学和力学性能和玷污他们的外表。低碳钢是一个非常重要的工程金属和它用于几个电器在日常生活。低碳钢是高度敏感的潮湿的二氧化硫。发展腐蚀电池表面的低碳钢和发生腐蚀反应。金属展品电化学腐蚀、点蚀、缝隙腐蚀和应力腐蚀。二氧化硫气体的浓度逐日增加大气中由于工业、交通、道路、住房、基础设施建设和生物体的分解工作。在夏天它的浓度测量,工业地区的雨季和冬季不同城市及其对低碳钢腐蚀效应研究。 It is observed that concentration of SO2 gas varies from season to season. Its concentration is more in winter than in summer and rainy. This result shows that mild steel corrodes more in winter seasons with respect of summer and rainy seasons. Nanocoating technique is used to check the corrosion of mild steel in SO2 environment. For this work, AlPO4 is applied as coating materials and DLC (diamond like carbon) as filler. Nanocoating work completed with nozzle sprays and chemical vapour deposition methods. The corrosion rate and corrosion current density of metal were calculated by gravimetric and potentiostatic polarization techniques. Surface coating phenomena and its stability studied with help of Arrhenius equation and Langmuir isotherm and thermodynamical parameters like activation energy, heat of adsorption, free energy, enthalpy and entropy.

拉杰什·库马尔辛格,Sanjoy Misra

