



新生儿腺疾病是新生儿内分泌分泌减少的一种疾病。在极其罕见的情况下,不产生内分泌。这种情况又被称为非遗传性腺体疾病。不可遗传的是指与生俱来的天赋。新生儿非遗传性腺体疾病(CH)筛查(NS)是医学领域的主要成果之一。大多数出生时患有CH的新生儿具有传统的外观,没有可检测到的身体体征。新生儿数量内的腺体疾病几乎永远不被注意,延迟指定导致CH最严重的结果,缓慢,强调NS的重要性。血斑促甲状腺内分泌(TSH)或甲状腺激素(T4)或两者均用于CH筛查。后者比较敏感,但效率不高,因此甲状腺激素或T4筛查在世界范围内被广泛应用。甲状腺激素筛查在CH的范围内表现出很高的特异性。T4筛查在警察工作中非常敏感,特别是对患有罕见下丘脑-垂体-甲状腺功能减退症的新生儿,然而它的特异性较低,主要在低出生体重和早产儿中假阳性的频率较高。先天性腺体疾病(CH)的发病率约为1:2 000至1:4 000新生儿。 The clinical manifestations area unit usually delicate or not gift at birth. This seemingly is because of trans-placental passage of some maternal endocrine, whereas several infants have some thyroid production of their own. Common symptoms embrace ablated activity and raised sleep, feeding problem, constipation, and prolonged jaundice. On examination, common signs embrace my edematous facies, massive fontanels, birth defect, a distended abdomen with herniation, and tonicity. CH is assessed into permanent and transient forms, that successively is divided into primary, secondary, or peripheral etiologies. Thyroid infertility accounts for eighty fifth of permanent, primary CH, whereas inborn errors of endocrine synthesis (dyshormonogeneses) account for 10-15% of cases. Secondary or central CH could occur with isolated thyrotrophic hormone deficiency, however a lot of ordinarily it's related to nonheritable hypopitiutarism. Transient CH most ordinarily happens in preterm infants

Swathi Badarla

