ISSN: 2322 - 0066
从养鱼场威胁的气味本研究达到高潮。先前的研究表明,主要完成的工作有气味的物质从养鱼场氨、二氧化碳和挥发性有机化合物都是有毒的水产养殖。这些化合物是由鱼或排泄在水产养殖饲料产品退化产生的水族馆污染。本研究的目的是减少使用microalga这些物质的浓度;小球藻寻常的。海藻是孤立于池塘使用BG废水中所描述的马克和甘蔗。鱼缸的大小150×150×150立方米,其中包含200升的池塘水和200条鱼被加入250毫升的小球藻寻常的文化和允许站了四个小时(4 h)。池塘水500升和孵化了八天。控制受到同等条件但不孤立的应用程序。氨浓度测量每两天从天零。最后八天孵化,氨气和挥发性有机化合物的仪器浓度分别降低到0.23和0.53 mg / L比未经处理的池塘(控制)分别为23.5和1.94 mmg / L。 Besides, nitrate and total organic carbon reduction were observed at the end of eight days incubation (33.04 and 2.32 mg/L respectively as against control concentrations of 55.72 and 13.66 mg/L respectively). This is attributed to possible utilization as nitrogen and carbon sources for the growing alga. Oxygen generated during photosynthesis also facilitates the oxidation of ammonia to nitrite and nitrate thereby increasing the nitrate level. The study showed that chlorella which is a known live food in aquaculture can also be used to control aquarium odour as well as improve the quality of the pond water.