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无视慷慨诊断领域的创新发展,大多数工具不能直接处理复杂例子晶格。因此,一个准备步骤通常包括仪器前调查。测试准备的主要是整理,集中分析物的阴谋,而呈现在与调查框架结构,是完美的。流体萃取(米歇尔),根据分析物的交换从水的例子water-immiscible可分解的,是广泛用于测试准备。在任何情况下,一些缺点,例如,乳液安排,利用数量巨大的例子和有毒的天然溶剂和随后,年龄很多毒素让米歇尔工作要认真的,昂贵的,乏味的,生态敌意。另一个众所周知的例子规划方法强阶段提取(SPE)。尽管它可溶解的利用大大低于米歇尔,现在使用甚至可以被看作是值得注意的,通常一个额外的进展集中集中到一个小体积是必需的。SPE可以使机器人化不过这涉及错综复杂和额外的费用。已经有了相当大的努力在过去二十年来调整当前例子规划策略和发展新方法处理业余时间,工作和材料。氯酚的调查(CPs)从自然的例子是一个重要的主题由于其后果对雌激素的人和野性生活的幸福。 Dregs or solids are acceptable adsorbents of phenolic toxins because of their dynamic and broad adsorbent and shallow surface movement. Residue can aggregate this material with high focuses and influence amphibian life. Because of the significance of checking the investigation of phenolic mixes in silt and strong examples, it has been broadly considered. Particularly in this examination, a speedy, basic and modest strategy is utilized to quantify CPs in marine dregs. The opposite stage fluid microextraction (RP-DLLME) technique was utilized to pre-concentrate of CPs after beginning extraction by extraction of ultrasound waves estimated by HPLC contraption. Factors, for example, extraction time, pH, time and speed of centrifugation, type and volume of extraction dissolvable and impact of the volume of disperser dissolvable were streamlined. Under ideal conditions straight ranges for 2-chlorophenol and 2-4-dichlorophenol were between 0.001-2 mg/Kg-1 and 0.2-2 mg/Kg-1, separately. The fixation factor of 101 and 102 and the relative standard deviation (n=5) 5.9, 3.3 were acquired for 2-chlorophenol and 2,4-dichlorophenol, separately. At that point proposed technique has been utilized for assurance of CPs and 0.21-2.18 mg/Kg-1 just as 0.68-2.55 mg/Kg-1 qualities was resolved for 2-chlorophenol and 2-4-dichlorophenol, separately in marine silt of Chabahar Bay.

名Ziyaadini Avarani
