e-ISSN: 2320 - 1215 p-ISSN: 2322 - 0112
新型H1N1病毒引起的流感大流行现在影响了世界所有的大陆。然而,程度和可能的影响仍不确定。像季节性流感,疾病症状较轻,并且具有自限性在绝大多数情况下,只有1%的-2%的病人需要住院治疗。在一些情况下,临床过程可以在几小时内恶化,最终导致严重的并发症和死亡。并发症的风险高于那些先前存在的疾病,如哮喘、心脏病和肾病,以及孕妇。在这种情况下,抗病毒治疗不应延迟等待实验室确认。首选的抗病毒药物奥司他韦和扎那米韦是一种选择。抗病毒治疗是没有必要为那些原本健康,并有轻微的或简单的疾病。它是有利于进步患者下呼吸道疾病或肺炎,和那些有潜在医疗条件和怀孕的患者。抗病毒药物的供应是有限的,他们应该明智地使用和在适当的地方。 There is a limited supply of pandemic influenza vaccine available in a few countries and efforts to produce it in India are presently underway. Effective personal preventive measures include shielding one’s mouth and nose while coughing and sneezing, frequent washing of hands with soap, avoiding mass gatherings and voluntary isolation by symptomatic individuals. While at present the virus is causing a mild disease, the next wave may be more severe. Hence, enhanced surge capacity of health services is required for the clinical management of an increased patient load.
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